The Sky In A Room
27/28 September 2014
Saturday 27, 2-7pm Sunday 28, 2-5pm
Part of Deptford X 2014
Image by Mikey Georgeson
‘The Sky in a Room’ is a twin installation exploring the theme of private/public space by taking the usual domestic setting out of its context. Harts Lane, the street outside of the gallery is transformed into a home complete with furniture, kitchen, living room, whilst the inside of the gallery is turned into a garden. The public and passers by are invited to be part of the event by spending time inside the ‘house’, or in the ‘garden’ to read, chat, drink coffee and let their guards down by allowing the unexpected to happen. Eighteen artists engage with the setting and its narrative in the form of happenings, video projections, objects and performances.
The project addresses the lack of outdoor public space to meet in New Cross by offering a playful platform for casual encounters and organic communication. The setting provides a domestic oasis to give back the borrowed time that we often operate from. It will lead to reconsidering our perception of space and architectural form by challenging the conventional inside/outside viewpoint and our concept of privacy.
By swapping the paradigms of indoor and outdoor, ‘The Sky in a Room’ questions the context of art in relation to space, and the gallery wall as the filter between art and non art. The value of art is the difference it makes to an individual or a group.
Curated by Cristiana Bottigella, Sigrun Sverrisdottir and Tisna Westerhof.
Participating artists:
Assembly SE8 | Catherine Clover | Silvia Forese | Martin Grover | Rachael House | RUN Collective (Gabriella Catalano | Paolo Rosini | Elisa Soroga | Barkosina Hanusova) | Lauren Taylor | Paul Taylor | Paul Tecklenberg & Mikey Georgeson | Tracey Smith | WhittyGordon Projects (Fiona Whitty | Jenny Gordon)